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Topic: SAT II Chem  (Read 1417 times)

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Offline holamynameisbob6

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« on: April 19, 2019, 02:05:42 PM »
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask a test question but anyways
1. what determines the chemical properties of an element? If its electrons then why doesn't O2- and Ne have similar chemical properties? (based on a practice test they don't)
2. Also can someone explain why transition metals tend to form colors? i dont understand the explanations online.
3. where can I find good materials for descriptive chemistry? (flame test colors, solution colors, gas colors, and other random factoids)
(edit) 4. do gas always exert the same amount of pressure? meaning if I had a rigid container with 1 mole of H2. Then I add 3 moles of O2. Is the partial pressure of H2 the same as the original pressure before I added O2?


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Re: SAT II Chem
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2019, 03:07:08 PM »
1. what determines the chemical properties of an element? If its electrons then why doesn't O2- and Ne have similar chemical properties? (based on a practice test they don't)

Electrons - but not alone. You can't directly compare a charged molecule with a single atom.

2. Also can someone explain why transition metals tend to form colors? i dont understand the explanations online.

Can you at least quote an explanation you don't understand and explain which part you don't get?

4. do gas always exert the same amount of pressure? meaning if I had a rigid container with 1 mole of H2. Then I add 3 moles of O2. Is the partial pressure of H2 the same as the original pressure before I added O2?

Yes, partial pressure of a given gas doesn't depend on the presence of other gases.
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Re: SAT II Chem
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2019, 11:15:07 AM »
Yes, partial pressure of a given gas doesn't depend on the presence of other gases.
Assuming the gases behave ideally, ofc.  ;)
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