November 24, 2024, 06:17:19 PM
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Topic: Can someone tell me why the following E1/E2 rxns change in stereochemistry?  (Read 1748 times)

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Offline yourdeath01

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1) Why is the CH3 going away in green arrow is just drawn as a normal bond with no stereochemistry in the products? 2) Why did we get two products 3) whats the major product?

1) Same thing why did the CH3 bond coming in get drawn as a normal bond here?

1) Whats the major product here 2) Why get a triple bond, how did they do that? 3) Do I need to draw both or is the first alkene product okay?

1) In I. Why did the Br bond not go away and instead we get a CH3 group from i don't know where and the H goes up top? 2) In m. Also same thing, why Br bond is replaced with CH3 and why H is alternating in this E1?

All in all: I was under impression that only SN1/SN2 go through inversion/racemic products but the stereochemistry in the above E1/E2 is kind of weird and I am a lil bit confused on that.

Online Babcock_Hall

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It is a forum rule (see red link above) that you must show your attempt before we can help you.  However, I will give you a small hint.  Think about the hybridization and geometry of the carbon with the methyl group.

Offline hollytara

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Think about the mechanism for each reaction - most of your examples are E1.  What is the intermediate in an E1 reaction?  A few are E2 - what are the requirements for an E2 reaction?

This will be covered in your textbook - or in the study guide by Fredlos.

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