I have a question about what happened in a chemistry experiment. During the thermodynamics unit, we were talking about entropy driving a reaction at high temperatures and how oil and water doesn't mix because it isn't favorable from an enthalpy standpoint. The oil breaking up the intermolecular attractions between other water molecules goes to higher energy because the attractions between oil and water are weak. The guy who I sat next to in AP Chem said that we should add oil and water to a container and heat it so that entropy will drive the reaction and they will mix. To allow the water to reach a sufficient temperature, we would add a really soluble salt such as KI or NaI. So after declining the offer to do it myself, he went ahead and did it, but the oil and water boiled so violently that it splashed out onto him... we're not totally sure how he didn't get scalded... well, we decided to do it as a project, and we made some glass wear for the flask we were working in so it couldn't boil out, and we added bumping stones and more salt. So we re-did the experiment. We had water, lots of NaI, and olive oil, which we heated to around 140-150 oC. At first the water was just boiling with the oil sitting on top, but then for one trial we removed most of the olive oil and heated the flask to 148 oC and then all the NaI just came out of solution. After the experiment, there was this crystal, salt oil sludge in the flask. I tried to repeat the experiment, but I had a hard time getting all the NaI to redissolve because a lot of the water had evaporated off. We then repeated this experiment with mineral oil and got similar results, and it clearly appeared that the oil was dissolving and the salt was no longer soluble. But now, we're not really sure what happened because the salt shouldn't have come out of solution from what I know even though common sense would tell you that it got forced out by the oil dissolving. However, we ran an experiment were we showed that two salts dissolving with no common ions between them did not significantly affect the solubility of each salt, so we aren't really sure what happened in our experiment... could anyone offer any insight?