I might be a little late (been busy) but if you have not had much experience in Chemistry lab in school, I would highly recommend not starting your own lab first, but buying a kit.
It has nothing to do with thinking you are stupid, or immature; but many of the safety procedures in a chemistry lab seem to go against common sense, and most you will not know, at all, without experience or somebody telling you.
This kit, for instance:
http://www.hometrainingtools.com/catalog/chemistry/chemistry-kits/p_kt-micchem.htmlIs quite nice for a home starter kit, for a high school student/mature student. It is not one of those cheap crappy ones you can get at Toys R’ Us, it has some damn useful chemicals in it. Unfortunately it does not list the experiments included (well, just what they cover, which is a wide range, but not what actual experiment you do to cover that information), but based on the equipment and chemicals, and knowing the level of education they expect, they would be some very fun and educational experiments. And the bonus is that it comes with all the safety instructions.
Some of the chemicals that you have been talking about are down right dangerous for someone at your level (in the concentrations you are getting). There is nothing wrong with enthusiasm, but you must go slow and learn first; this is not a comment against you, chemistry is a hard subject and can be very dangerous.
I just say this for your safety, because based off of the question you are asking and the chemicals you are trying to get, I fear bad things will happen (and not because I think you are stupid, but because the key to be safe is experience and proper instruction).