In a α-β insaturated carbonyl compound I know that usually alcohol"ROH" give the conjugated addiction to the " -C=C-C=O" system because the direct addiction is reversible while the conjugated one it isn't!!
So after a bit of time the direct product formed is re-converted in the reagent and sometime it reacts again to form the conjugated product instead
The reaction that forms conjugated product is "always" irreversible so I have the final product
NOW this is how it works for ROH, a weak base.
My question is now about the RO-,the alcoholate (NB: a simply alcoholate,not an enolate,which is a weak base-resonance stabilization). RO- is a strong base and perhaps this time also the direct addition to C=O is irreversible...so if the direct product is formed faster than the conjugated one (and usually the direct addition is the kinetic product) ,the direct product can't be reconverted in the reagent latet, to give the other product( the conjugated one)
SO I should get the direct addiction if I use a strong base like RO- (not enolate but alcoholate)
Is it correct?