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Topic: Watesmo- Paper  (Read 1107 times)

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Watesmo- Paper
« on: June 29, 2020, 09:48:20 PM »
im currently working in the lab analyzing the chemical compound of "watesmo-paper".
However, Im currently stuck. I gladly take any idea what the chemical compound could be or what the general chemical background for the reaction is.

Here are my findings:

- the dye on the watesmopaper is easily soluable in water, you get a blue solution if you stir watesmo in water for a few seconds

- the blue solution turns pink with a pH of 6-7, colorless  with a pH >8, and blue again with a pH <6

- incineration of the test paper gives a little bit of white/grey/yellow product, which is easily soluble in HCl and turns the HCl into a green-yellow color

-flame testing the incinerated test paper gives a yellow flame (like sodium)

-Ni2+ test with dimethylglyoxime was negative, nothing changed.

I hope my explanations are not too confusing, since english isnt my first language. Im sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. Any Ideas or suggestions would be helpful. Even if you only know a dye with the same pH- properties.

Best regards,

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