December 23, 2024, 02:41:49 PM
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Topic: Relationship between ionic mobility of two species on the same solvent  (Read 1620 times)

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Offline AussieKenDoll

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There is a electrolytic cell which has H2SO4 as solvent with two identical platinum plates.

Ionic mobility = drift velocity / electrical field strength (U=V/E)

If I only know the Electrical field strength,  Ionic mobility of the SO42- and drift velocity of H+ ,

Is there any relationship between the ionic mobility of the SO42- and drift velocity of H+ to calculate the ionic mobility of the H+?

Is there any relationship between the drift velocities of H+ and SO42- or ionic mobilities of H+ and SO42-

or can I write the equation as USO42- = VH+/E

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