I've done some labeling of proteins with NHS esters of fluorescein. Basically, I carry out the reaction in 100mM potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0 (this allows the dye to react selectively with the N-terminal amine group, if you don't have to worry about reacting with side chain amines, you can carry the reaction out at pH 8.2 or 8.5, just remember to use a buffer like borate that does not contain amines).
I exchange my protein into the labeling buffer by either dialysis or using a desalting column and, dissolve the dye in DMF or DMSO (do this right before adding it to the protein solution) add enough dye solution to get a 5:1 molar ratio of dye:protein. I let the reaction run for about an hour at 37o (don't forget to use dark tubes so that the dye doesn't photobleach).
The instructions say to quench the reacting by adding 1M tris, but I just run the mixture through a desalting column to remove the excess dye.