Hello DeltaForce:
You can find on internet a lot papers about separation and quantitation of Lipids (mainly Phospholipds) using HPLC (Nornal mode and Reversed-Phase mode). For example: phospatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylserine, shingomyelim, cerebrosides and cardiolipin...these separations is based on differences in chain length and of course on degree of unsaturation. Also you can find many separations on differents HPLC detectors.
Of course, the succefull separation and quantitation of Lipids depend in part on the complexity of your sample and the HPLC equipment ("type and conditions") available in your lab.
Now is better use Reversed-phase HPLC over normal HPLC because your can avoid use large amounts of samples needed for analysis, peak broadening and tailing, long analysis time, low detection sensitivity, working pH range limited to 2-7,and volatile toxic organic solvents.
If you need more information or details, please send me a private message...