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Topic: Overall cell potential for disproportionation reaction  (Read 1058 times)

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Overall cell potential for disproportionation reaction
« on: May 18, 2021, 12:24:39 PM »
Given a "Latimer diagram":

A --E1--> B --E2--> C

We are told that B disproportionates into A and C. If I want to find the cell potential for that reaction, can I generally simply add E1 and E2?

I recall my professor saying that you can't always add cell potentials and get a correct result. Any ideas what he meant?

Offline Babcock_Hall

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Re: Overall cell potential for disproportionation reaction
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2021, 03:25:11 PM »
This is going to be the blind leading the blind.  IIRC reduction potentials are not additive when the number of electrons is not the same in the two reactions.  Gibbs' free energies are additive.  It might be better to wait until a physical or analytical chemist answers.

Offline Meter

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Re: Overall cell potential for disproportionation reaction
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2021, 04:41:52 PM »
I looked at some notes I had forgotten about and only Gibbs free energies are generally summable whereas you should not add standard potentials. The reason why you can add standard potentials when only one electron is being transferred is because it checks out with the math for Gibbs free energy.

Offline mjc123

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Re: Overall cell potential for disproportionation reaction
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2021, 05:01:50 PM »
The potential for disproportionation is E2 - E1. You can do the subtraction because the reaction must be balanced to give the same number of electrons in the reduction as the oxidation. E.g. if A :rarrow: B was a 2-electron reduction, and B :rarrow: C a 1-electron reduction, the balanced half-reactions would be
B :rarrow: A + 2e     ΔG° = +2FE°1  (+ because the reaction is reversed)
2B + 2e :rarrow: 2C    ΔG° = -2FE°2
Overall 3B :rarrow: A + 2C     ΔG° = -2F(E°2 - E°1) = -2FE°cell

On the other hand, if you wanted E° for the process A :rarrow: C, it would be
A + 2e :rarrow: B     ΔG° = -2FE°1 
B + e :rarrow: C    ΔG° = -FE°2     (same number of B created and destroyed)
Overall A + 3e :rarrow: C     ΔG° = -F(E°2 + 2E°1) = -3FE°AC
so E°AC is the weighted average of E°1 and E°2.

These things become clearer on a Frost diagram, where G (or G/F, in V) is plotted vs. oxidation number. The line joining two oxidation states has a slope of E for that couple. If B lies above the line joining A and C, B can disproportionate to A and C.

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