It's about the difference of the filled and unfilled Molecular Orbitals (MO's) in the compound. A coloured compound has a difference in energy between a filled and unfilled orbital corresponding to visible light.
The difference in energy levels between the highest (doubly) filled MO and lowest non-filled MO in NO is higher than in NO
2 making it absorb UV (that we cant see).
Now it's been some time since I last messed with MO-diagrams but maybe someone here has the perfect program to show this? And please do correct me if I am wrong in the drawings:
I tried to show it in the following schetches, but by no means are they perfect
The energies are not in schale, but it gives an indication
NONO2The blue arrow indicates the electron transition that takes place and clearly shows the lower energy is needed in NO
2. I have no data for the exact energy levels available now, but since NO
2 is colored, the transition must be withing the energy levels of visible light.
Hope this helps,