I am a youngn' with an urge to find something. The situation is that I have a set of tires that are almost bald, and I love my hot rod Crown Victoria.....in the end this leads to me eventually performing a full on massive tire smoke burnout. Yeah I guess that could make me a huligan (sp) or something, but I am going to perform this event on property and will have some people video taping....anyways.
I have a windshield wash nozel poiting on my rear tires. My question is, is there a liquid that when it gets burned that it releases blue smoke? Things that I want to make sure are that, one it's not going to be extremely flamable, two that the fumes will not kill me or the bystanders, and 3 how hard is it to get or make?
I appreciat any *delete me* And if I can get the blue smoke I will post a link to the video once I get it done.