I was hoping one or two of the fine people here could give me a little advice, aside from the usual energy-weapons-of-death, self tweaking of neurochemistry and energetic materials experiments, I want to become a professional mycologist.
I really enjoy mycology as a science, I have been interested as an amateur since age three or four, but I would like to learn more, and go professional, I already have quite a good background in identification, toxicology, recipes for the edible species, and AHEM...the erm...entheogenic properties of certain species
I've had some lovely meals out of the stuff I have identified, and a good few other experiences, but how would be the best way to gain a professinal grounding in the subject, and do it for a job?
Any reccomendations? Thanks.
Well I must be going, I am off hunting Amanita muscaria tonight by torchlight, at around 4.30 Am