ok i am needing some help PLEASE i suppose that is obvious tho right? thats kinda why most of us are here no? well i was wonderin gif you could tell me if i got the following questions right or not.
3. find the number of atoms in a) 1.5 mol of carbo i got 7.5 time 10 to the 22 is that right?
b) 1.5 mol of carbon dioxide i got 2.05 times 10 to the 22 is this right?
and then find the volume of a gas at -30 degrees celsius and 0.75 atm if it occupies a volume of 255L at 40.0 degrees celsius and 1.25 atm. i got two possible answers here is either correct i got 411.42 L and 330 L.
thanks any help would be appreciated!
ok sorry im a dumby haha yeah i meant carbon not carbo OOOPPSIEs
anyway for the a and b i did 1.5 molover 12.011g * 6.02 *10 to the 23 over 1mol im thinking i need to take the 12.011g out right??? and then for b) i did 1.5mol *6.02*1023 over 1 mol *1g over 44.011.
and for question 4 one of the answers is right then!? YEAH! im thinking the rigth answer is 411.42 right?