0,0500 M HCOOH (aq), pH = 2,54 at 25 *C
1) Find the "dissociation thingy" (don't know what it is called in English), the propotion between HCOOH and CHOO-, called alpha:
alpha = 10-2,54/0,0500M = 5,8%
2) Find Ka:
Ostwald's dilution law: Ka = cA * alpha2/(1-alpha) = 1,77*10-4
or pKa = 3,75
3) 4,08 g of HCOONa is added to 1 L of the solution, V is approximately constant.
Find pH.
n(HCOONa) = 7,15*10-2 mole + 10-2,54 mole = 7,44*10-2 mole
n(HCOOH) = 0,0500 mole - 10-2,54 mole =4,71*10-2 mole
since V = 1 L.
Then I use the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation..
4) 40 mL of 1 M HCl is added to the solution, find pH.
n(HCl) = 4*10-2 mole and therefore
n(HCOOH) = 4,71*10-2 mole - 4*10-2 mole = 0,71*10-2 mole
n(HCOONa) = 4,71*10-2 mole + 7,44*10-2 mole = "something"
And then I just use the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.
Is this correct?
Then I thought... what if n(HCl) > n(HCOOH)? How do I calculate pH then?