1.44g of FeC2O4 was dissolved in sulphuric acid(dil.) and the solution was diluted to 100cm3. Which of the following solution of KMnO4 will be able to oxidise it completely? (multiple options may be correct)
(A) 0.01M , 400cm3
(B) 0.02M , 200cm3
(C) 0.01M , 600cm3
(D) 0.05N , 600cm3
My work:
For complete oxidation, Milli equivalents of FeC2O4 = Milli equivalents of KMnO4
Milli equivalents of FeC2O4 = wt/eq.wt x 1000
= 1.44/72 x 1000 = 20
( eq wt = m.w / n factor = 144/2 )
In acidic medium, Mn+7 ----> Mn+2
therefore, n factor of KMnO4 = 5
N = n x M
Ml. eq of KMnO4 = N x V
Putting in the values, I got (A) and (B) as the correct answer. My book, however, lists that (C) and (D) are the correct options. Can someone please tell me where I am going wrong? Thank you.