I'm curious about the final step in
this synthesis of Oxerine.
The general reaction is
ROBn --TMSI--> ROH solvent: Chloroform
Unfortunately, the experimental for this step is very vauge. In fact, all they say is that the starting material was dissolved in chloroform, irradiated with ultrasound and then concentrated
in vacuo and purified by PTLC. TMSI (trimethylsilyl imidazole) is only mentioned in the general scheme, not the experimental (?).
Now, I could see perhaps that:
ROBn --TMSI--> ROTMS --aqueous acidic workup--> ROH
but I think even this is odd, and there is certainly no mention of an aqueous workup.
Next thing is, I'm speculating with very limited knowledge of the use of ultrasound - the extent of my knowledge is "the molecules will be excited". Will this be a radical process? ie will the ultrasound promote homolysis?
Any thoughts?