3 (&2)
Zn does have a filled sub-shell.
If you recall your Hunds rule, you place electrons in orbitals unpaired before you start pairing them. Electrons repeal each other, and by keeping them separated, it is more stable.
The valence S and D orbitals are of similar energy, and as a result it is fairly easy to promote an electrons from the 4s orbital into the 3d orbital. This allows the s orbital more stability by being unpaired; however it can not do this whenever it wants to; only when it makes the system overall more stable. This occurs when by promoting one of the s electrons into a d orbital makes the d orbital either completely filled or half-filled.
Thus for your Question 2, Cu actually is 4s
10, because a filled shell and a half filled shell is more stable then a completely filled shell and a 9/10th filled shell.
And now you should be able to answer question 3; so what is the correct answer?
Your one, you are close. It is due to an increase in effective nuclear charge.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effective_nuclear_chargeYou should review in your book the whole section about the electronic configuration of atoms.