December 27, 2024, 10:44:47 PM
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Topic: Is aluminum alloy (6061-T6) harmful to touch for extended periods of time?  (Read 3729 times)

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I was wondering if an aluminum alloy handled tool that was being used everyday for hours each day would leech some of the aluminum into the user through dermal contact and if so would it be significant over a period of years? Though not on the same level as mercury or lead, I know that aluminum is a toxic metal. Also would it make a difference if the aluminum handle was anodized or not? I know that aluminum cookware is usually anodized with the manufacturer assuring consumers that this anodized layer "locks the aluminum in" but I've also heard the anodized layer is porous.

Offline Enthalpy

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Welcome, ILoveCats!

I wouldn't make any thoughts if I had AA6061 parts in my hands for years. Humans have cooked in aluminium pans for decades with no obvious and immediate consequence, despite the high temperature and ingestion, so I consider low-temperature skin contact must be pretty harmless. You may also compare with aluminium foil (often AA1100, slightly more resistent to corrosion) used to wrap food before ingestion.

Anodization improves nicely the chemical resistance of some aluminium alloys, AA6061 being among the best ones both for corrosion resistance and for anodization. The alumina layer can be somewhat porous (but already protective) or be densified, usually by vapour after the anodization, to improve the corrosion resistance further.

[...] I know that aluminum is a toxic metal [...]

One study had claimed that few decades ago, but meanwhile no further evidence as accumulated, and this topic is open.

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