Dear ahmedezat,
(First: Thank you for your Mail, - It makes me proud!)
I just realised, from both your questions, that you need a more
general answer to this/Your problem, and that means a more
philosophic one, — “A Picture”:
A.) ALL POSSIBLE experiments/measurements are Questions to
Mother Nature !!!
B.) Mother Nature holds the only contract, that HER answer is
the selected/designed (YOUR settings/design !!) of the
experimental environment !!
C.) That means nothing else, as that you have ALL the TIME to
use the following formula for your experiments/measurements (E/M)
and your got Signal (S):
S(E/M) = ∑ Sj = S1 + S2 + Si + S4 + S5 + …….. (Eq. 1)
(Have You seen: Si = Signal of interest !!!)
D.) Quintessence: You HAVE TO EXTRACT your Si, ? of course, only
if you prefer to be reliable:
Si = S(E/M) ─ (S1 + S2 + 0.0000 + S4 + S5 + ……..) (Eq. 2)
E.) Now you may realise, that the (Residual-)Term in Eqiation 2, after
the Minus-Sign, is nothing else, as the Signal of your selected/designed
Environment, called:
The Blank OR Reference(in spectroscopy) OR …… = Senv.
So the (Residual-)Term is also the Recipe, “How to do it”, —
Make the identical experiment “with the Concentration”:
Conci = 0.0000 !!!
Have You realized, to make “A Picture” of “Everything plus one”, if possible THE correct, is ALL TIMES the most important to do, —
But especially for to have success!!
Sorry, if it finally empowered a little too moralistic for You, But specially for the Others.
Good Luck!