Hi to all, this is my first post.
I'm am a junior in high school and this year am taking AP Chemistry, a first year college level course. It is without a doubt the hardest of all the AP science classes that I have ever taken but it has struck up somewhere within me a grave curiosity in chemistry and doing home experimenting, amateur scientist.
Just for fun, the first experiment that I wanted to try was supersaturation. We never did it as a lab in class (we don't do many labs) and if you can get it to work right it is a really cool experiment. My first round draft pick is Sodium Acetate which seems to be the choice all over. I chose, mostly because I have no idea where to get Sodium Acetate salt in the California desert and know of only one other more difficult way to make it, to react Acetic acid (Distilled white vinegar) and Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking soda.) Sounds simple enough, I add the Bicarbonate to the acid and watch it give off its beautiful odorless CO2, leaving me an aqueous soln. of Sodium Acetate. However, when I boil off the water, it leaves me with these weird brown colored crystals, doesn't look at all like Sodium Acetate.
Anyone have any idea on how to get any better results or any way to purify the crystals that result?
Thank you in advance