December 30, 2024, 11:07:01 AM
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Topic: Nucleation and growth mechanism of ferroelectric domain-wall motion  (Read 3529 times)

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Offline NukeKid

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Offline Arkcon

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OK, I'll bite.  What particular parts of the paper are you having trouble understanding?  Crystal growth and nucleation?  The polarized domains?  Need a refresher on integrals?  What do you know about the basics of this subject, and why do you need to know more and why did you download this journal article to find out?

We're not here to do all your work for you.  That would simply take too much time, delivered a posting at a time, back and forth.  And yes, dropping a journal article and asking for a summary is the same as asking us to do all the work for you, the lack of grade-able questions notwithstanding.

Why don't you summarize, as much as you can, of this journal article for us.  That we, we can at least know how much we don't have to explain to you.
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

Offline NukeKid

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OK, I'll bite.  What particular parts of the paper are you having trouble understanding?  Crystal growth and nucleation?  The polarized domains?  Need a refresher on integrals?  What do you know about the basics of this subject, and why do you need to know more and why did you download this journal article to find out?

We're not here to do all your work for you.  That would simply take too much time, delivered a posting at a time, back and forth.  And yes, dropping a journal article and asking for a summary is the same as asking us to do all the work for you, the lack of grade-able questions notwithstanding.

Why don't you summarize, as much as you can, of this journal article for us.  That we, we can at least know how much we don't have to explain to you.

Well to start, I have no idea what ferroelectric domain-wall motion is. This was an article I was assigned to for research since each of us have to do one. Basically, the reason why I asked for basic, not full, summary was because I just needed some background information on this topic before I can fully understand and summarize the article.

Offline Arkcon

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Well, you've got some cruel teachers, that's for sure.  Even if you're in an advanced high school class.  I'll move this to the Physical chemistry subforum, and we'll see if experts want to jump in. 

Meanwhile, read the abstract.  Every word you don't understand, look up in an English dictionary.  Try to formulate for yourself some sort of idea of what's being said.  Also, look at the experimental section at the end.  Try to see how it works and what it does.  That's a nice thing to have included in this article.  Often, an article sends you to a reference for the experimental procedure.  So this is nice.
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

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