Firstly, have you been given solvents for these reactions?
OK, for Sn2 to occur, you need the combination of a good nucleophile (solvent may come into play here - aprotic solvents do not solvate anions well, making them more nucleophilic), and a good leaving group (as well as an accessable C, ie. not a tertiary centre).
What makes a good leaving group? If the leaving group is stabilised is some way, then it is a good leaving group. eg the
tosylate anion is stabilised by resonance, and is an excellent leaving group.
How can you tell if a leaving group is a good one? Consider the stability of the leaving group. A good way to think about it is to consider strength of the conjugate acid of the leaving group. I'll continue with the tosylate eg.
TsOH <----> TsO
- + H
+ [Ts = F
TsOH is a very strong acid, which indicates that it's conjugate base (TsO
-) is relatively stable, and would make a good leaving group.
So, we would expect that
EtOTs + CN
- ----> EtCN + TsO
- via an Sn2 pathway.
If the leaving group is a strong base, this indicates that it is a poor leaving group.
eg NH
3 <----> NH
2- + H
+Ammonia is a very very poor acid, ie. NH
2- is a very strong base, and relatively unstable, so we would not expect Sn2 to occur on a primary amine:
2 + OH
- ---------> no Sn2
For questions 1 and 3, extend this logic to the H
- and OH
- leaving groups.
Question 2 is different.
If substitution were to occur, it would be via Sn1, as you correctly stated. However, substitution may not be favoured at all, we could be looking at elimination. Solvent is important here.
If the solvent is not polar enough to stabilise the carbocation intermediate in the Sn1 pathway, then we could see E
2 instead. Cyanide can act as a base under the right conditions. Note that if Sn1 can't occur due to a lower polarity solvent, then nor can E1, as both reactions proceed via the same intermediate.