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Topic: Woo-Hoo! I won the football pool this week.  (Read 4213 times)

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Woo-Hoo! I won the football pool this week.
« on: December 26, 2004, 10:14:33 PM »
YAAAAAAAYYY!!!!!  With the comeback by the Cowboys, I won this week's football pool at the office.  It also guaranteed me a money spot in the overall standings for the year.   ;D  This is my first year in the pool, so I'm really psyched.  The pool is setup like this;  Everybody who wants to play has to put up 40 dollars up front.  All the entry money is then put in a CD until the end of the season.  The more people that play, the more money you can get.  This year, there's around 35 people in the pool.  The person with the most number of picks right for each week wins 20 bucks.  I won a week much earlier in the year, and now I've won another so my entry fee has been recouped.  For the year, the top five people get money with first place getting the most, then second, then third.  (So with 35 people at 40 bucks a pop, minus the 20 handed out each week, that leaves $1060 to split up for the 'winners').  Going into this week, I was tied for the last money spot.  With this big win, I broke that tie and moved up to at least third place and basically guaranteed myself some money.  I am so psyched right now.   ;D
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