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Topic: FTIR Nicolet Protege 460 Product Specifications  (Read 6908 times)

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FTIR Nicolet Protege 460 Product Specifications
« on: June 22, 2007, 05:18:14 PM »

I'm new here and wanted to know if anyone could help me find the product information of an FTIR Nicolet Protege 460. I've tried googling but it keeps giving me links to people who have used it and/or links to the manufacturer does not have the product listed-perhaps discontinued or something. I'm interested in it's radiation source, sample cell type, path length and detector.

Offline Bush

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Re: FTIR Nicolet Protege 460 Product Specifications
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2007, 09:00:02 PM »

I'm new here and wanted to know if anyone could help me find the product information of an FTIR Nicolet Protege 460. I've tried googling but it keeps giving me links to people who have used it and/or links to the manufacturer does not have the product listed-perhaps discontinued or something. I'm interested in it's radiation source, sample cell type, path length and detector.

i konw it's detector is DTGS!
for other information, i have no idea about it because it's very old! but i think the source should no  essentially changed from the new one!

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