If there are 32.05 grams in one mole how many moles are there in one gram? Answer 1/32.05 right?
So if you have 1/32.05 moles (and remember a 'mole' is just a number) of the molecule CH
4O how many atoms of carbon do you have?
That's easy because every molecule of CH
4O has one atom of carbon. So you have 1/32.05 moles of carbon atoms. Now since Avogadro's number is the number of 'thing' in a mole you just have to multiply that by 1/32.05 to get the total number of carbon atoms.
Don't get confused by Avogadro's number (A). It's just a number. If you have 3 moles of oranges you would have 3xA oranges. Simple (and a hell of a lot of oranges
