I could use some help with the mechanism at work here:
How can acetoacetic ester (AAE) be used with alkyl halide (eg CH3Cl) to form ketone (eg 2-butanone)? I can't see how we're cleaving the bond between an alpha-C and carbonyl-C.
Brainstorming 2 mechanisms:
The first step may be Nu attack on carbonyl-C. Our solvent is (sodium) ethoxide, so we have a good Nu. This pushes pi e- from carbonyl C=O bond onto carbonyl O, and carbonyl-C is now sp3 hybridized. But, if this were the mechanism, still not clear how C-C bond is broken.
Other mechanism may be enolization of carbonyl O. A carbanion intermediate immediately precedes the formation of C=C pi bond, which itself can act as Nu in SN2 (presumably AAE is far too bulky for SN1), displacing halide from alkyl halide, and adding R. Now we have a tertiary C between the two carbonyl carbons. Again, how can we cleave this bond??
Million thanks. If there's a general principle or concept I've overlooked, it would be great if you'd point that out. Thanks again.