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Topic: Qualitative Analysis of Amines  (Read 4509 times)

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Offline Sis290025

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Qualitative Analysis of Amines
« on: July 27, 2007, 09:43:02 AM »
For 2-aminobutane, four solubility tests were done with the following solvents:


It was soluble in all of them. Is this correct? Is it soluble in H2O and NaOH because of its low molecular weight?

Are these the correct equations for aminobutane’s results?

CH3CH2CH(NH2)CH3 + HCl ->

where N is +.

For NaOH,

CH3CH2CH(NH2)CH3 + NaOH -> ??

I’m unsure at exactly how to express the solubility in an equation.

In H2O,

CH3CH2CH(NH2)CH3 + H2O ->
_______| (+ for N)
CH3CH2CHCH3 + OH- ??

In NaHCO3,

CH3CH2CH(NH2)CH3 + NaHCO3 -> ???

Again, I’m confused at expressing the experienced solubility.

Thank you.

Offline jimmyapex

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Re: Qualitative Analysis of Amines
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2007, 05:02:37 AM »
well,i'm not sure whether my below presentation is right or not.

i think the solubility has something to do with its polarity.
2-aminobutane and H2O are both polar solvent so they could dissolve with each other.

Regarding NaOH,NaHCO3,HCl as u've mentioned,it's not the key reason for its solubility since NaOH,NaHCO3 are both solid and HCl as gas.How could 2-aminobutane be dissolved in the three compounds unless NaOh,NaHCO3,HCl are all dissolved in water.

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