CO2 is produced by so many chemical reaction because it is a highly stable and relatively low energy molecule.
Most reactions with CO2 requires energy. That is, you have to input energy to make the reaction occur. This means that in order to sequester the CO2 you must use excess energy in doing so, thus producing more CO2.
Also, the amount of CO2 produced is incredibly large (despite it still being minor minor % of the atmosphere). The amount of material of any kind to do this job will be very large. You are talking about expending massive amount of energy just to get this material, producing more CO2 then you would be otherwise.
It has nothing to do with if it is chemically or physically possibly, only practical and will not in the end waste more energy and produce more CO2 then you remove.
The best option I have heard so far is various types of algae and fungi that live off of CO2, that is the CO2 is what they need to reproduce. With possible genetic modification, or whatever that is called in the plant-type kingdom, making that process more efficient. That way you do not have to waste energy getting more material, the algae or fungi reproduces on its own with CO2, sunlight and water.
The wasting of fossil fuels is not a chemical or physical problem. Things can be done by science to improve the efficiency of all those processes and reduce waste; and I am not saying research should stop in those areas, by all means, research away. But ultimately the wasting of fossil fuels are primarily for economical and social reasons as well as political; not scientific.