Hi.My problem is that i need to explain how can seperate those two substances on the lab with a method called extraction.I also need to write full reaction-equations when expalining it.
the strucural formula for codeine can be found at :
http://opioids.com/codeine/codeine.jpgand para-dimetoksibenzene, has formula (C=8,H=10 and O=2), it is a benzen molecule, with two OCH3 groups bounded to it.One pointing up and the other down.(with a line from the benzene molecule to the OCH3 groups pointing up and down).
Can anyone help me to explain how i can perferm this seperation? I did a previous lab-exercise, where i seperated para-dimetoksibenzene and benzoic acid.Then i did the following :
1.Weight out 2,00g benzoic acid and 1,00g para-dimetoksibenzene.and placed it in a Erlenmeyer flask.
2.Solved them in 30mL diethyl ether.
3.Placed it in a 100mL separating funnel,and extracted with 2x20mL NaOH solution.
4.took the water phase into a 100mL beaker, by opening the seperating funnel.Then added HCL acid to get precipitation
of the benzoic acid.Then it was possible to filter it out by using a funnel and filtering paper.
Can add Diethyl eter as a solvent of Para-dimetoksi benzene in this case?
NaOH were added to perform reaction with the benzoic acid,to form water. Therefore Na(+)(aq) benzoate(aq)( the negative ion of benzoic acid) will be ions in the water phase, and NaOH doesnt affect the dimetoksibenzene which be solved in the topmost ether phase in the seperating funnel.
But in this case iam not sure if this prcedure will work.As far as I can see, Codeine is a pretty unpolar molecule, since it has many benzene rings with alot of C-atoms. But it also has a OH broup, and N-atom (which i think is a tertiary amine group, isnt it?). And it also as a O-atom bounded between two of the benzene rings, which indicates that it has some properties of an Ether?Am I correct?
What I have learned so far is that usually alkaline(basic) are beeing added to neutralize acidic groups on molecule to create water.Thats why NaOH was added on the example above. But Codeine is different.The N-atom has two free electron pairs.It can act as a weak base? But can anything happend to the OH group? Ive heard that phenols are weak acids.Why is that? Can this OH group act as a weak acid?Or can it act as a base?
Should i add a strong acid or a strong base to this solution to create water phase?Is it possible to get precipitation of Codeine in the water phase,as I did for benzoic acid?
I really appreciate all the help i cant get