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Topic: Wavelength of an electron  (Read 3481 times)

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Offline echonet

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Wavelength of an electron
« on: October 17, 2007, 08:20:35 PM »
I recently had this question on a quiz, and I'm trying to correct it in order to do well on my upcoming test. The problem is that I don't know what answer to aim for... here's the question:

"Paige has mistakenly placed a fork in the microwave. When she turns it on, electrons begin to be ejected from the surface of the steel fork. Making the best of a bad situation, she decides to calculate the wavelength of one of the ejected electrons. She determines that its kinetic energy is 2.77x10^-15 Joules. What is the wavelength of this electron? "

My chem teacher wrote this next to my original (wrong) soultion where I had tried to do it using the photon equation:

wavelength = h/mv  <== v= SQRT(2ke/m) 

(I have written out the symbols I cannot type)

I tried it using this new equation and got 9.33x10^-12 meters. Is this correct? If not, what should I have done?

My test is tomorrow and I'm worried about it, so I'd REALLY appreciate even the slightest bit of help. Thanks!
« Last Edit: October 17, 2007, 08:41:25 PM by echonet »

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Re: Wavelength of an electron
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2007, 09:53:41 PM »
Looks correct to me.

Do you do understand the equations you're using?  The De Broglie wavelength of a particle is equal to h/p where p is the momentum (mv) of the particle.  Since you know the kinetic energy of the particle and you know that KE = (1/2)mv2, you can solve for v by rearranging the expression for kinetic energy.

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Re: Wavelength of an electron
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2007, 11:01:30 PM »
Thanks a lot! Now I can move on to other problems confident that I know what I did wrong :)

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