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Topic: Chemical Engineering Separations Porblem  (Read 4902 times)

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Offline Gerard

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Chemical Engineering Separations Porblem
« on: August 19, 2008, 11:57:09 AM »
Show, for a non-washing plate-and frame filter press operating at a constant feed pressure with negligible Ve, that the optimum cycle occurs when the time for filtering equals the time lost in opening, dumping, cleaning, and reassembling the press.

The solution:

The First Desperate Attempt:

Tc = Tf (Filtration time) + Tw (Washing time) + Td (Dead Time)

At, Tw = 0, prove that Tf = Td

In a cycle:
dV = k’ (-ΔP) = k
 dT   (V+Ve)  (V+Ve)

but Ve = 0 (Negligible Ve)


dV = k’ (-ΔP) = k
dT    (V)          (V)

by variable separable method:

(V)dV =k (dT) and integrating gives

Vf2 = k Tf

Vf2 = Tf


Tc = Vf2 + Td

redundant equation (No Tf exist)

Second Desperate Attempt:

Vf = (2k)1/2 (Tc – Td)1/2

dVf = (2k)1/2 (Tc – Td)1/2

at  dVf = 0

0 = (2k)1/2 (Tc – Td)1/2

a redundant equation exist

The Third Desperate Attempt:

Since it is said that: Tf = Td

But, Tc = Tf + Tw + Td

But since Tw = 0

So, Tc = Tf + Td

It gives us: Tc = Tf + Tf (since, Tf = Td)

Therefore: Tc = 2Tf

But: Tc = Tf + Tw + Td , substituting this equation to the above gives,

Tf + 0 + Td = 2Tf, therefore

Td = 2Tf – Tf = Tf --------- Answer (Stupid and illogical)

can anyone give me the right answer for this problem???
"Charles! Charles! That's it Mr. Charles Darwin get out of this room, I told you once and I told you twice not to tease your fellow Mr. Arrhenius!"

Offline Gerard

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Re: Chemical Engineering Separations Porblem
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2008, 10:42:04 AM »
i have found the solution guys,
i use

then since N=1/(Tc)=1/(Tf + Tw + Td) at Tw= o
n=1/(Tf + Td)

subsitute this to the above equation:

d(Vf/(Tf + Td))=0

Vf2= Tf

therefore the equation becomes:

d(Vf/(Vf/2k)2+ Td))=0

and everything after this is all deifferential equation....
"Charles! Charles! That's it Mr. Charles Darwin get out of this room, I told you once and I told you twice not to tease your fellow Mr. Arrhenius!"

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