December 25, 2024, 08:48:58 PM
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Topic: Overlapping Rule, Pauli's Principle, rows periods columns familys groups..  (Read 4034 times)

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Offline 1c2h3e4m

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I have a study sheet and i got all the questions expect i dont know what these are

What are the following:

Overlapping Rule

Pauli’s Exclusion Principle(found it on the internet but couldn't understand, could someone explain it to me?)

What do the rows, periods, and series tell you about the atoms?

What do the columns, groups, and families tell you about the atom?

help would be appreciated

Offline 1c2h3e4m

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any help plz

Offline echonet

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Here's what I know:

Pauli's Exclusion Principle states that for every electron in an atom's orbitals there is a UNIQUE set of quantum numbers.

There are period and group trends for ionization energy, it's greater from left to right and less from top to bottom.

Just learned this myself :)

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