Do you just need to find a reaction to do, or are you looking for a particular molecule to make?
Basically any products or reactants are fine with me, although it needs to be a reaction that can be found in literature. We will be studying all parts of the synthesis- from the mechanism to the percent yield of the final product. This is for a sophmore organic class, so we want to keep all aspects of the synthesis pretty novice
- easily purifiable and stable product(s) and intermediate.
Pick a general area there is so much. Do you want the reaction to include organometallics, natural products, what kind of Chemistry do you want to do, an oxidation/reduction, nucleophilic substitution/elimination?
Let's see if I can narrow it down enough.
Small molecules, less than 25 C's (which throws out a some protiens, complex carbs, etc...)
Diels-Alder, SN2, E2, Grignard and addition of Hydrogen or alkyl Halides to anything are reactions we have studied and would be best for us.
Please ask me if you need further specifications. Thanks