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Topic: I need help in solving these problems  (Read 10996 times)

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Offline shama

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I need help in solving these problems
« on: November 02, 2007, 07:54:34 AM »
hello everyone
I'm a new member in the chemical forum and i registered because I need a great help in my subjects .. I study pharmacy ,, this is my second year in the faculty ,,,
I have some difficult problems and I need your help ... please reply soon because I have an exam on 18/11.. the problems are all about gravimetry ... they are:
1) A 5.000 g sample of a pesticide was decomposed with metallic sodium in alcohol, and the liberated chloride ion was precipated as AgCl. express the results of this analysis in terms of the precentage of 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-(parachlorophenyl)ethane DDT (C14H9Cl5)(fw=354.5) based upon the recovery of 0.1606 g of AgCl.

2) A 1.008 g sample that contained NH4NO3, (NH4)2SO4 ,and inert materials was dissolved in suficient water to give exactly 500 ml of solution, A 50.0 ml aliquot of this solution yeilded 0.3819 g of (C6H5)4BNH4 (fw=337) when treated with an ecxess of sodium tetraphenylboron (C6H5)4BNa, A second 50.0 ml aliquot was made alkaline and heated with Devrada's alloy (50% Cu,45% Al,5% Zn) to convert the No3- to NH3
No3- + 6 H2O+ 8e___NH3 + 9OH-
the NH3 produced in this reaction, as well as that derived from NH4+ , was distilled and collected in dilute acid. Treatment of the distillate with (C6H5)4BNa yielded 0.5996 g of C6H5)4BNH4 . Calculate the percentages of NH4NO3, (NH4)2SO4 in the sample.

please explain with answer
thanks alot
you are the best

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Re: I need help in solving these problems
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2007, 08:05:57 AM »
These are, in fact, relatively simple stoichiometric problems. Show your attempts.

Offline shama

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Re: I need help in solving these problems
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2007, 08:22:43 AM »
in the second q.
I say that 5o ml of soln. contain 0.3819 g of (C6H5)4BNH4 so in the total soln 500 ml there are 38190 g of the cpd.. and I tried to calculate the grams of (C6H5)4BNa according to the equation I $uppo$ed
(C6H5)4BNa+NH4+ gives Na+ + (C6H5)4BNH4
then I calculated the same In the other 50.0 ml  then I didn't know how to continue??

in the first q. I don't know how to begin because I don't understand the relation of C14H9Cl5) in the question...
that's all

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Re: I need help in solving these problems
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2007, 04:49:01 AM »
hello again
i really need help,,, yesterday evening I tried to solve the problems and I have answers ,, about the 1st q. ,,,
I get no. of moles NH4+ in the second 5o ml .. 1.7792*10-3 , and it equals the no. of moles NH4NO3 , then i calculated its percentage by getting its wt 0.42409 then 14.127%
the no. of moles NH4+ in the first 50 ml is 1.3323*10-3 ,,, so in the total 5oo ml equal 0.1332344 moles ,,,  then
1.7792*10-3 _ 0.1332344 = 0.11544213 ... and these are no. of moles for NH4+ in (NH4)2SO4
which equals twice no. moles of (NH4)2SO4 ,, then i get its wt. then percentage 75.6672% ,, is this true???

about second q. i calculated no. mols cl- in .1606 g AgCl ,, then In 5 gram which is the grams of sample
I calculated the no. mols of the cpd given in q. by saying 5 mols cl equal 1 mol of cpd ..
and get it wt by multiplying with its fw,, then the % is 49.4697%

plz can any one help me in revising my steps... I tried herd to solve them... and If my ask or my whloe topic is against rules,,, can any one tell me??
thnx alot

Offline Borek

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Re: I need help in solving these problems
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2007, 06:14:17 AM »
In the 1st question - AgCl contains all chlorine that was present in DDT. You can calculate number of moles of Cl. If you look at DDT formula you will see there are 5 Cl atoms per DDT molecule, or 5 chlorine moles per DDT mole - use this information to calculate number of moles of DDT (from known amount of chlorine). Knowing number of moles of DDT calculate its mass (you are even given molar mass) - and you are done.

2nd question is in a way similar to the AgI and AgCl problem you have posted separately - you have two types of information that'll let you write two equations in two unknowns. First experiment gives information about sum of all NH4+ cations, second gives that PLUS amount of NO3-.

I get no. of moles NH4+ in the second 5o ml .. 1.7792*10-3 , and it equals the no. of moles NH4NO3

You are alreaydy wrong here - 1.779x10-3 is nitrogen from all possible sources - ammonium from ammonium sulfate, ammonium form ammonium nitrate AND ammonium prepared by reduction of nitrate (from ammonium nitrate).

When posting please avoid using series of punctuation marks and o instead of 0, it makes your posts hard to read - and you want them easy to read, you want them answered :)

It is OK to ask these questions - just always show how you tried to approach them. Note that - so far - they can be all asked in General Chemistry forum, while they may look pretty analytical, they are in fact just stoichiometry.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2007, 06:33:03 AM by Borek »
Chembuddy chemical calculators - stoichiometry, pH, concentration, buffer preparation,

Offline shama

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Re: I need help in solving these problems
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2007, 11:44:07 AM »
thank you for your explaination... and really sorry if I did wrote some formulas wrong , I know them very well ,, it's just a mistake during typing
but I'm sorry if there are some wrong words written or grammer,,, I'm not an american or english girl .. I'm an arabic girl... palestinian if you know occupied Palestine.. so accept my excuse??

however thanks alot,, you help me and I appreciate that

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