It seems you forgot my Hints/Legend.
I will try to translate the Example to English:
NaCl + 10 H2O (= 24.5 %wt/wt) by 18°C = 0.791 kcal kg-1 °K-1
The table shows also that there is very
nearly no other temperature influence as the volume change. If you like you can compensate it with tables you know.
In the Attachment I did a little work and only a “
Linear Interpolation”, which seems to be a very good approximation in the first part of the graph, and that’s the region of your interest.
So your calculation should end:
Cp3.5% = Cp
1.6% - ΔCp
n /Δ%
n * (3.5% - 1.6%)
kcal kg-1 °K-1 with: ΔCp
n as the
absolute ΔCp to the next
what ends in:
Cp3.5% = 0.97800 - 0.03307 / 3.3 * (3.5 – 1.6) = 0.95896 * 4.184 kJoule/kCalorie
= 4.012 kJoule kg-1 °K-1
Please check my calculation!Could this be what you want, and clear as much as possible?
Good Luck!