To Anyone:
I am working on my 7th grade science fair project. I chose solar energy and my dad and I are putting together 2 solar energy systems. The first a batch system. the second a thermosiphon system.
Now my question: I understand that ethylene glycol is used as a heat transfer fluid due to its corrosion resistance and good heat transfer properties. The thermosiphon is bascially a solar heat collector (copper pipes) 1/2 inch arrainged in a veri=tical grid conntected at the top and the bottom. Then a verticle pipe 3/4 rises about 4 feet out of the middle of the collector to a heat coil. This coil is connected to a "water heater" metal cup of water.
The theory is the sunlamp will heat the ethylene glycol it should turn to a heated vapor rise up to the coil transfer its heat to the water via the coil. Once the heat is released it should return back down the pipe to the resivoir as a liquid. It should start the process all over again.
What I do not know is what percentage the antifreeze solution shiuld be? 100% antifreeze, or mixed with water to lower the percentage.
What amount of fluid should I use? half full in the collector so it turns to a gas? If it will turn to gas. or COMPLETElY full so the fluid transfers its heat by molecules rising thru the coolerr fluid and cooler fluid decending?
any suggestions or ideas.