i have a problem to interpretate this (ESI-MS):
i got a ms-peak at e.g. 556.1 Da (single charged = 1 proton = charged with 1H-atom)
Now the autor wrote:
"If the sample ions had been doubly charged, then the m/z values would only differ by 0.5 Da as z, the number of charges, would then be equal to 2"
(Original source:
see 5.3. "Data processing"
That would mean : double charged= 556,05 or 556,15
but if you scroll down, there's a formula :
m/z = (MW + nH)/n ... and if you enter for example n = 2 (charges), you get a total different m/z ... ( much more than 0,5 Da difference...)
Would be very grateful if anyone could explain this to me
( i hope you understand my question^^)