I'm not sure if I'm doing this right....
I have the mass of the anhydrous salt = ZnSO4 = 1.599 g
I have the molar mass of ZnS04 = 161.452
I also have the ratio of anhydrous salt (mol) to water (mol) . . . .009904/.07672 = .12909
SO in order to find the formula of the hydrate, I thought you did....
1.599 g x 1/161.452 g x 1/.12909 mol = .07672066783
As you can see, its not a whole number ratio...to put in for the amount of hydrate [ ZnSO4 * x H20]. . . untill you multiply the number by 14....so i put down for every 1 ZnSO4...you have 14 H20...
what's wrong? or am I right?