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Topic: What causes the characteristic burn of alchohol when drunk?  (Read 6402 times)

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Offline dmbqstns

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What causes the characteristic burn of alchohol when drunk?
« on: January 21, 2008, 10:27:26 PM »
I realize that this is as much a biology question as a chemistry one, but, man, that overlap...  Anyway, I thought about this when I read in another forum that alcohol has no pH, or at the very least a neutral pH.  I did a little more research about the toxic effects of alcohol and discovered that it disrupts membranes by displacing water molecules binding to the hydrophobic heads of phospholipids, and by that mechanism changes/disrupts some membrane proteins' functions, but it wasn't mentioned if alcohol could disrupt the membrane to the point of lysis and cell death.  It's just something I've wondered about.

Offline Arkcon

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Re: What causes the characteristic burn of alchohol when drunk?
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2008, 10:45:27 PM »
Presumably, you mean the old "alcohol kills brain cells" old wives tale.  This has not been conclusively proven.  Alcohol, like many other solvents, readily penetrates cell membanes, and they are shown to remain "leaky" for some time after that(see ref *.)  These can leave neurons with a lingering internal "short circuit" of their ions, which can give any of a number of sensations, for example, pain or burning.
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

Offline dmbqstns

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Re: What causes the characteristic burn of alchohol when drunk?
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2008, 07:13:41 PM »
I apologize for my lack of clarity.  What I meant was, why does alcohol burn your throat?  It sounds like you answered that with the effect it has on nerve endings, though. 

Meanwhile, could you elaborate on the "wives' tale" about brain damage?  In retrospect I realize that I haven't actually read anything about alcohol's damaging effects on the brain, but I guess it's one of the many things I've assumed because I haven't heard it contradicted either.

Thanks for that first answer.

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