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Topic: Opium extraction and so on - my questions  (Read 8842 times)

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Offline swansee182

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Opium extraction and so on - my questions
« on: February 09, 2008, 12:12:54 AM »
good evening everyone, or should i say morning, its 4am here =]

ok, i must say, ive seen some of the language used on this forum, if so could you answer my questions as basic as you can. I am new to chemistry and pain relievers are my biggest interest due to my family suffers with alot of conditions requiring pain killer, such as morphine and etc.
I have myself done as much research as possible on this exact topic but i thought id ask the pro's, i know names and etc. and a sort of idea, but id like to clarify with you all. As it says in the rules section, i did attempt to figure the problem on my own that i have, but by judgment of myself, you know more than myself alot of you so i very much need the help at this moment in time. But i am keen to learn such as you will find out below.

I only require information and i do not wish to use it, due to it is illegal and im not apart of that trend.
I am interested in narcotic's due to it has destroyed half of family situation and i wish to only have specific general knowledge, not needing to use it at any time, but to have the information would be benificial to me, and give me a sort of deep understanding of the production of morphine through Opium, or as i understand, correct me if im wrong the plant it is extracted from - Papaver somniferum.
Later on in life, after i try and study such, i wish to actually try and influence heroin into the country from growing because there is shortages of heroin in my country, for medicinal uses.

Ok, now ive said my piece and to reasure those who may think i have the more darker intentions of this topic outcome.

i wish to ask the following and contribute to what little i do know about production of morphine. Later or maybe even sooner i have a curiousity to actually how they do produce heroin, not injectable, i think there are different types on google, Heroin NO. 3 (the smokeable form i believe?). Depending if you could be so kind as in to give me some feedback please.

ok, my first question shall be: Specifically how is Opium extracted from the opium poppy plant?
     my second question shall be: If i were to go about it, how would one extract Morphine from the Opium itself, i know it has morphine in the opium in itself ive been told but it can be filtered out in some way?

    my third question is: Specifically how would one go Converting small doses of morphine into actual heroin no.3?

Thankyou very much for reading and hopefully, could you answer my questions please.
Very much apprechiated, and I wish to become a positive member of this community,

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Re: Opium extraction and so on - my questions
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2008, 06:11:08 AM »
Please read forum rules. We don't discuss drugs production here.
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