Fermentation” is not only if Bacteria eat “Sugar” and produce CO2 or/and Alcohol or an Acid.
Bacteria and Enzymes can do more, but for all of that you will have to ask a Biologist, and I’m not a real representative of them. For the formulas involved in this process you may visit the German version:
You will see there, that the “
Leucoform” is bond over an Oxiygen-brige, like an Ether, to the “
Glycon”. As an Ether is a quite stable Compound, I can easy imagine, that the “Sugar” needs first to be eaten up to break this particular bond. Otherwise a very special Bacteria or Enzyme would be required to do it.
If I remember correct, I never told that somebody cannot do a “Michael Addition” with Henna and maybe to a Keratin, if he/she is using the adequate condition. But I still believe, that in a biological environmental AND under living conditions, it must be nearly impossible, but especially not if one Reactant is a “solid body”.
Lemon juice can have a lot of different effects during “
Fermentation”; if it will also influence the transportation process into the skin, and how, I don’t know.
But if we adopt, that only Henna will make the colour, then we have to accept, that only the concentration is left, to make the different “Shades”.
As “every” Brown starts its Concentration-Live (at the lower end) as a Yellow and changes by increasing Concentration to orange, then to orange-red, then to red-brown/yellow-brown, then to a real brown then to a dark brown, then to a dark gray-brown, and finally to black (if the required Concentration can be met), a Lot of the different “Shadings” can easily be understood. How fine disperse the skin may present the Pigment, may have an additional small influence too.
Yes, the monoterpene alcohols may have an influence as better solvent then water and maybe influences also the Transportation process. Additionally their solubility of Oxygen maybe also lower, what keeps the “
Leucoform” longer stabile at a higher Concentration.
To give you an even more profound answer I have first to do some own additional investigations.
But at the moment, I can not spend time to do so.
So I hope to have been anyway of help to you!
Good Luck!