Shipping is really all about the carrier, what their rules are, etc. I don't think the US Postal Service or UPS will knowingly accept shipment of ether, and might take umbrage if they found out mid-shipment someone's lied to them. You'd need some other carrier, and there's no law against transporting a chemical reagent, large labs use them all the time.
I don't think there's a law against having ether in your house, 'tho large amounts of it are unsafe, and you could be held liable for accidents in a residential area. Usefulness? That I don't know, there are plenty of easier solvents at the hardware store for cleaning, and such. But even those are being phased out anyway in favor of gentler cleaning agents.
Usually, major chemical suppliers don't want the liability issues associated with an untrained person using their chemicals. Since this site appears to be indifferent to that issue, I wonder about them. If they take your check, and you don't get a delivery, and you call and they're gone, then what?