Good catch in the Edmund Scientific Catalog! I know Ge can be used at 1.5u as a detector in the "C" band, and of course the farther IR transmission is good data. I'll go see if there was thickness data from which I can calculate the extinction coefficient and get a photon capture cross section. - But not quite up to a solar cell reward.
So, of course, I'm still looking for data in the visible. To build a solar cell containing Ge with a silicon or micro-crystalline silicon layer, it will be important to have the detailed data for the threshold region around the band gap. Data for the crystalline germanium band gap is readily available, but not for amorphous germanium. it is very likely that, like amorphous silicon, it will have a higher band gap than the crystalline material. it would also be quite important if there were data or reports for micro-crystalline germanium, since it wouldn't have grain boundaries and would no doubt also have a band gap that lies between the crystalline material and the amorphous material, all of which is quite easy to see would be important for thin film solar cells.