Warning: non-chemical approach! Only for explanation purposesWhen I was in high school and first started learning electric circuits and such (15 or so years ago) we had an awesome teacher who had his eccentric way of making kids understand about electric circuits. As mentioned; it isn't a proper scientific explanation, but it was humorous, and easy to follow for kids who were flabbergasted about physics:
A battery is a Military camp, in it are soldiers (current) that want to move from one end to the other end of camp (the potential difference between the poles is the drive). Each soldier takes with him a backpack with provisions (the Potential Energy, Voltage). The orders are simple: go to the other end of camp following the road (the circuit) and eat ALL of your provisions on the way. And assumed is that the soldiers can plan this in advance.
If nothing is on their way they will gradually consume their provisions evenly distributed along the way (if the poles are connected with a wire the voltage drop is linearly along the wire)
If there are obstacles, however, they will eat more at the obstacle (resistance; in other words at a resistance there will be a potential drop). In fact, most obstacles are so much more difficult to travel than the paved road (the wire), that they make the provisions eaten along the road negligible.
If there are many obstacles in a row, the provisions will be consumed along them proportionally to the difficulty of the obstacle (bigger resistance, more potential drop - or,
R proportional with V) Of course ALL the soldiers have to go along all obstacles in series (current in consecutive resistances in series is constant)
Trickier: If the soldiers come across a split in the road (parallel resistances) they will march in separate columns. (current will differ along the separate parallel paths) As they need to have the same provisions after they rejoin, the provisions eaten along any of the parallel paths is the same (potential drop along the parallel resistances is constant for all the parallel paths - no matter the resistances' magnitudes)
The intelligence of the soldiers comes into play here: of course more will take the easy path than the hard one. (current will be higher along the parallel resistance that is least in magnitude; more resistance less current, or
I proportional to 1/R in these parallel resistances)
After rejoining the amount of soldiers is exactly the same as they had before splitting up of course.
So from this very childish story the ohmic law is derivable:
R proportional with V; or V = C
1 * R, with C
1 a constant in there
I proportional to 1/R; or I * R = C
2, with C
2 constant in there
As along serial resistances current is constant and along parallel resistances Potential is constant, this gives the ohmic law V = I * R
Now, I do NOT recommend using this in ANY scientific situation. It is a nice thought however, and can be used to try and help people think in less abstract terms as current, potential and Resistance.
The more proper (abstract) scientific approach is given by Astrokel. This is just a small gimmick that may help