No, I think, I understand, when you put a picture:) Well, it resembles me the metathesis reaction, involving this, so called, metallacyclobutane (or whatever:P).
In my opinion, if your olefin is, for example, too bulky to go near the M-N bond and "normal" mechanism cannot occur (it means that you can have formation of such metallaazacyclobutane or analogous transition state) your possibility is also unlikely because of long distance between carbon and nitrogen atoms. I suppose that in such case after coordination of olefin you will have some ligand exchange to form, I don't know, three-coordinated specie.
I will try to check it later in the literature, it's indeed an interesting problem, but you know, if there is nothing in the literature concerning this particular case it could be interesting research project;)
Is this answer satisfy you? I'm looking forward to seeing your next post about it:)