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Topic: Help me ! What 's retrosynthesis ?  (Read 4928 times)

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Help me ! What 's retrosynthesis ?
« on: April 02, 2005, 10:37:34 PM »
I am doing my subject about retrosynthesis in organic chemistry but I don't know what is retrosynthesis  :'(  .
Where can I find the document about it ? I looked for in but there isn't anything there  :(
I 'm vietnamese , in my country don'thave much document about it . Please help me !!! Thank you very much !

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Re:Help me ! What 's retrosynthesis ?
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2005, 05:32:36 AM »
Retrosynthesis are syntheses performed today on the scale and with the glassware of chemistry from the 1950s.  Oh wait, I'm getting this confused with fashion trends...

In all seriousness, retrosynthesis is simply a figuring out how to make a molecule backward.  Instead of starting with methane and trying to functionalize it into strychnine, you start with strychnine and then ask yourself the question, what reaction could I do to get to strychnine?  Then what reaction could I do to take me to the molecule just before strychnine?  Eventually, you'll get to starting materials that you can easily purchase or make.

Look up 'retrosynthetic approach' on google.  You'll probably find some stuff.  Many chemists are using it to make drugs, etc. now.


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Re:Help me ! What 's retrosynthesis ?
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2005, 11:35:17 AM »
Retrosynthesi is a combinattion of two words

Retro -from back
synthesis - preparing .

Now a days most synthesis are don using retrosynthesis ,cause some times it is difficlut to build each unit and as a result u get back from the bigger molocule step by step to the initial fragements of the big molocule . Have a look at the follwoing page

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