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Topic: water analysis test kits  (Read 4658 times)

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Offline dionl

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water analysis test kits
« on: July 14, 2008, 05:44:05 AM »
 ??? is there anyone who can help me about water analysis test kits. I have some formulas to analysis chlorine, ph water test kit, iron... but not knowing how they are used :-[
I need to analysis total hardness, chlorine, ph water test kit, iron, manganase, nitrate, nitrite,sulphate, sulphite, arsenic, cupper, chlorine-ph water test kits (12 analysis test kits). I have some of them formulas but some of not and have not all of test kits usage.... thanks for now. :D

Offline Gerard

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Re: water analysis test kits
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2008, 07:47:07 AM »
??? is there anyone who can help me about water analysis test kits. I have some formulas to analysis chlorine, ph water test kit, iron... but not knowing how they are used :-[
I need to analysis total hardness, chlorine, ph water test kit, iron, manganase, nitrate, nitrite,sulphate, sulphite, arsenic, cupper, chlorine-ph water test kits (12 analysis test kits). I have some of them formulas but some of not and have not all of test kits usage.... thanks for now. :D
again use the ever helpful standard methods for waer wand waste water analysis...
i used that for my thesis proposals hehehehe
"Charles! Charles! That's it Mr. Charles Darwin get out of this room, I told you once and I told you twice not to tease your fellow Mr. Arrhenius!"

Offline dionl

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Re: water analysis test kits
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2008, 07:58:47 AM »
??? is there anyone who can help me about water analysis test kits. I have some formulas to analysis chlorine, ph water test kit, iron... but not knowing how they are used :-[
I need to analysis total hardness, chlorine, ph water test kit, iron, manganase, nitrate, nitrite,sulphate, sulphite, arsenic, cupper, chlorine-ph water test kits (12 analysis test kits). I have some of them formulas but some of not and have not all of test kits usage.... thanks for now. :D
again use the ever helpful standard methods for waer wand waste water analysis...
i used that for my thesis proposals hehehehe

 ??? :'(

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