in reactions catalyzed by alpha-kgd complex, it gave me results which shows activity (all about 0.03 dA/min at 340nm).
I've run 3 additional reactions where the first was without substrate NAD+ but replaced with NADP+, the second without CoA and the third without TPP in the reaction mixture. All of these results in no activity (very close to 0 dA/min).
1) when replaced with NADP+ that result no activity means it can't generate NADPH? both substrates acts as removing protons but why it doesn't work with NADP+? maybe my experiment went wrong? or it is specific only to NAD+?
If it's the additional phosphate group that makes it inactive, then it means FAD will work and generate FADH as NAD?
2) when no CoA or TPP was in the mixture, there was no observed activity neither. so does this means alpha-kgd needs decarboxylation for it to work (CoA and TPP are decarboxylators and activators here if i understood correctly)?
thanks in advance for any information