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Topic: Industry research trouble!?!  (Read 5939 times)

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Industry research trouble!?!
« on: July 12, 2008, 01:12:54 PM »
I chose to research the dental industry and am have trouble finding information to complete my assignment. 
these are the questions I have to answer:
1.   Identify chemical reactions upon which the industry relies.
2.   Determine the role that each reaction plays in the industry.
3.   How are the products of the reaction used by the industry?
4.   What benefits does the process bring to the industry or to the larger society?
5.   Obtain industry statistics regarding the annual consumption or production of the reaction species.
6.   Has the industry made any recent advances that have chemical foundations?
7.   Are there environmental concerns that arise as a result of the chemical processes?
8.   Detail the nature of any environmental problems associated with the chemical processes.
9.   What solutions and precautions are in place to prevent environmental accidents?
10.  Provide pictures or graphic of the industry you have chosen.
Here is what I found so far:
1.   Identify chemical reactions upon which the industry relies.
An endosseous implant, a dental chair, a dental headpiece, floss, tooth paste, filling, and an x-ray unit are what the dental industry uses. 
2.   Determine the role that each reaction plays in the industry.
Endosseous implants are fake teeth to replace missing teeth. 
A dental chair is where the patient sits when they are getting their teeth done. 
X-rays are used to get a picture of your teeth and see if anything is wrong with them e.g. cavities or broken teeth. 
Dental headpieces for teeth are called braces which are to straighten your teeth. 
Floss is used to clean in between your teeth.  Some of them have a minty flavor.
Tooth paste is used to help you keep your teeth clean and protected from stains, plaque, and cavities. 
Fillings are used to fill in where the dentists drilled out the cavity. 
3.   How are the products of the reaction used by the industry?
To help people keep their teeth healthy, straight, and clean. 
4.   What benefits does the process bring to the industry or to the larger society?
People are happy with how their teeth look.  The dentists are happy with their work on their patients. 

My question is:  does anyone know any good websites where I can find pictures and information pertaining to the dental industry?
I thank you for your help,

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Re: Industry research trouble!?!
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2008, 02:03:15 PM »
Filling curing may have interesting chemistry.
Chembuddy chemical calculators - stoichiometry, pH, concentration, buffer preparation,

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Re: Industry research trouble!?!
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2008, 02:04:12 PM »
1.   Identify chemical reactions upon which the industry relies.
An endosseous implant, a dental chair, a dental headpiece, floss, tooth paste, filling, and an x-ray unit are what the dental industry uses. 

Not being horrible, but these aren't really chemical reactions - perhaps you need to look into things like fluorination of water ( ) etc, or the use of alloys in fillings etc ( )...


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Re: Industry research trouble!?!
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2008, 03:09:06 PM »
  ;D thank you sjb!  you helped a lot.  do you know of where I can get the information for this about annual consumption or production of the chemical reactions?  If you do that would be very much appreciated. 

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Re: Industry research trouble!?!
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2008, 07:03:15 PM »
You may also investigate how the moulds of teeth are made as that involves a reaction.

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